660 Steps!
Once up, twice down

That's 1980 steps in total
Bad Mistake!

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Week 27 - Bad Mistake!
Written by Tina Sibley in July 2019

It's July!!!!!  

I leave for the UK part of my trip in just 2 weeks!! :-O  

And I have SO much to do!  And I made a BAD mistake!

Monday 1st July

Another day of focusing on working - I really do have a lot of work to do before I leave.  It's going to be difficult to actually fit in any hiking preparation. 

I also had another optician appointment, so got a little walking in.  My eyes are slowly making progress, but I still have the inflammation. 

Went to dance lesson in the evening.  Fasted.  

Tuesday 2nd July

Lots more work and a private dance lesson today.  Not much else to report.  

Weight dropped another 0.5 lb down to 11.3 exactly.  

Wednesday 3rd July

Another really heavy work day - got absolutely LOADS done - but still have SO much to do!  Also managed to fit in some circuits today.  I HAVE to do some physical activity!! 

Really annoyed though as, even though I still only ate a little, weight went back up to 11st 4.5 lbs :-(  Fasted again today.

Dancing this evening.


Thursday 4th July

Frustrated with the weight.  Despite fasting again yesterday, and doing some circuits, weight still at 11 st 4.5 lbs this morning.  Aaaargh!!!  I so badly want to get BELOW my previous best of 11.3 - and then to 10st something!!  Didn't  fast today, but was really good. 

Worked well into the evening, so didn't go dancing. But couldn't sleep - until way past 5am.

Friday 5th July

Another massive work day - got so much done - but not in terms of physical activity although I did go dancing.  Fasted again - third time this week - trying REALLY hard!

Saturday 6th July

Feeling a bit out of sorts today - tired from the last couple of days work slog and from the late night dancing last night.  Couldn't find the motivation to go hiking or to do some circuits and didn't even feel like going dancing. 

So I watched some videos on YouTube on the Galapagos Islands and on the Inca Trail.  This got me more determined and I vowed to hike the next day come hell or high water!! 

Got an early(ish) night - but needn't have bothered and might as well have gone dancing as I couldn't sleep again!

Sunday 7th July

Despite not being able to sleep, I still went hiking - albeit got going a little later than I would have liked.  Actually started hiking at 12.30.  

I intended to hike the Med Steps - twice or maybe three times, depending on how I was feeling and the heat.  I wanted to see how I coped compared to before bearing in mind that I hadn't done it in a few weeks and bearing in mind that it's much hotter now than last time. 

But when I got there, the Med Steps were closed because of a rock fall. 

So I went up and down the rough path to St Michael's cave a couple of times, then up to Spur Battery, then O'Hara's Battery to get in as much uphill and downhill as possible.  Then I walked to the top near the cable car, where the upper Apes Den is - at the top of King Charles V Steps.  

Then I walked down the steps - and then got stupid.  

I walked back UP the steps again, which was a killer!  There are 660 steps.  And then I set off back DOWN again - by now my legs were tired and my knees started hurting.  

By the time I got to the bottom, my left knee was killing me, and my left hip had also started to hurt :-( 

Then I made my way back to Jews Gate to walk back across to my car in Spain - and have to say I bitterly regretted over-doing it.  By the time I got back home, I hurt like I've never hurt before after a hike.  

I was still hurting even after a bath - and the fear is that, through doing too much, I will hamper further training and have put my Inca Trail fitness in jeopardy.

Now - I'm regretting not keeping up my training after Jebel Musa.  Partly because of work and other stuff that I had to do, partly because I was tired and partly because I was complacent, I eased off on my hiking.  Bad mistake!  

Wikiloc recorded a hike of 17.5 kilometres with an elevation gain of 735 metres.

On the upside, despite fasting and hiking in the heat (between 26C and 28C), my energy felt pretty good most of the time and I didn't feel overly tired when I got home - just hurting.

Health Overview

Weight on Sunday dropped only one pound to 11st 2.5 lbs  -  156.5lbs Very slow and frustrating!  

Preparation This Week 

I didn't really record my steps properly this week - I wasn't wearing my watch and wasn't carrying my phone for much of the time.   But here's what I did record.

Monday 8,853

Tuesday 1,986

Wednesday 1,108

Thursday 1,358

Friday 1,572

Saturday 2,945

Sunday - 2 recordings - neither of which is accurate!  My watch says 21,446 while my phone says 59,976.  From what I saw on my phone at one point and from previous experience, I think I probably did somewhere between 30,000 and 32,000 steps.  The hike was 17.5 kms

1 Circuits, 2 hours dance lessons, 1 dance party.

1 mega hike