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Week 13:  Good News!
Written by Tina Sibley in April 2019

I received some excellent news this week!  Otherwise a pretty stagnant week.

Went off the boil again so writing this retrospectively in April.

To be honest, it was a pretty non-event week in terms of activity and I can't remember much about it.  I think I spent a lot of time working and also preparing my house for visitors.

Monday 25th March - Sunday 31st March

I'm pretty sure I did some circuits this week, but also had two meals out.  A birthday celebration on Friday and on Saturday, a big dinner dance - so at least I did lots of dancing. 

Health Overview

The big news this week was receiving a letter from the hospital saying that, according to my CT scan, my "coronary arteries are normal with no with no significant coronary calcification or any stenosis seen".  That is such a huge relief!

I still have the LBBB (Left Bundle Branch Blockage) but it appears that there is no major underlying cause for this.  

As far as weight and blood pressure, no real changes.  At least with the eating out, it didn't go up

Preparation This Week 


Monday 4841

Tuesday 11459

Wednesday 2097

Thursday 8907

Friday 5516

Saturday 579 (I think this is the day I didn't wear my fit watch!)

Sunday 7175