The Ultimate

Transformational Adventure


Kilimanjaro Challenge

Unleash Your True Potential: Connection - Clarity - Courage

Discover The Depth of Your Inner Strength & Courage

Take inspiration from the majesty of Mt Kilimanjaro,

from a safari in the Tarangire National Park and from the Maasai Warriors!

Join me on a life-changing expedition in Tanzania where you will test your limits - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Connect with nature in the most stunning of landscapes

  • Connect with your inner self and discover who you really are

  • Connect with like-minded people on a similar journey

  • Clarity on your goals and whether they are in alignment with the real you

  • Clarity on how you will work towards achieving those goals

  • Courage to Conquer your fears and limitations and set BIG goals

  • Courage to take action

  • Prove to yourself that YOU CAN DO IT!

And SMASH any goal that you set yourself in future!

Kilimanjaro Challenge

Unleash Your True Potential: Connection - Clarity - Courage

Discover The Depth of Your Inner Strength & Courage

Take inspiration from the majesty of Mt Kilimanjaro,

from a safari in the Tarangire National Park and from the Maasai Warriors!

Join me on a life-changing expedition in Tanzania where you will test your limits - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Connect with nature in the most stunning of landscapes

  • Connect with your inner self and discover who you really are

  • Connect with like-minded people on a similar journey

  • Clarity on your goals and whether they are in alignment with the real you

  • Clarity on how you will work towards achieving those goals

  • Courage to Conquer your fears and limitations and set BIG goals

  • Courage to take action

  • Prove to yourself that YOU CAN DO IT!

And SMASH any goal that you set yourself in future!

Itinerary: 16th - 29th January 2025

This route and itinerary has been chosen to give you the highest possible chance of a successful summit

Day 1: Thursday 16th January 2025 - Arrival in Africa and your first glimpse of the Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro

You will arrange your flight to land at Kilimanjaro National Airport (JRO) and you will be met at the airport and transferred to your hotel.

There will be a welcome meeting at 6pm at the hotel to introduce the team, set your intentions and objectives and then the evening is then yours to enjoy.

Day 2: Friday 17th January - Materuni Coffee Tour & Waterfall Hike

After enjoying a typical Tanzanian breakfast, we will head to the village of Materuni, home of the Chagga tribe, in the foothills of Mt Kilimanjaro.

There, we will visit a local coffee plantation, where the beans are grown, harvested, prepared and roasted by hand. There is a wonderful demonstration of this process, followed by a tasting of the most delicious coffee on the planet.

You will also see banana trees and learn how they use the whole of the banana plant - the leaves are used for roofing and fencing and the fruit is also used to make wine and beer.

We will hike to the stunning Materuni waterfall which is about a 45 minute walk while we learn about the Chagga tribe and the local area. During this hike, you will reflect on your core values, what's important for you and your business. Before dinner, there will be a session to explore your goals in more detail.

Day 3: Saturday 18th January - Maasai Village

After ensuring that you have everything you need for the mountain, you will store any luggage you don't need for the climb at the hotel and we drive to the Maasai village where you will get to meet and learn about the warriors and how they live. They will welcome you with a warrior dance and you will witness their famous jumping.

You will be given a tour of their village, see their school and huts and they will give you a demonstration of how they hunt, light fires and cook.

This evening will be spent near the Maasai Village and you will get into the right frame of mind to conquer the mountain - and conquer your future goals.

Day 4: Sunday 19th January - Kilimanjaro Day 1: Gate to Mti Mkubwa

Lemosho Gate - 2,100m Mti Mkubwa Camp - 2650m 7 km hike - approximately 4 hours

Today you will begin your climb! After registration, the route starts through the stunning Lemosho glades - lush, green rainforest where you're likely to see the famous black and white Colobus monkeys.

This is a pretty easy day - the path is good and, while there are some steep climbs, the pace is very, very slow.

The first camp is at Mti Mkubwa where you will enjoy a full dinner in the mess tent.

Day 5: Monday 20th January - Kilimanjaro Day 2: Mti Mkubwa to Shira 1 Camp

Mti Mkubwa Camp - 2650m Shira 1 Camp - 3,610 m 7 km hike - approximately 4 hours

This is a stunning hike through the incredible rainforest. It is very steep to the lunch point and then becomes easier after lunch. As you climb, you begin to see stunning views of the towns below and then you leave the rainforest and enter the moorland zone, where you will get to see Kibo peak ahead of you.

Shira 1 camp is in the middle of the Shira plateau, which is the oldest volcano on Kilimanjaro. Kili is made up of 3 volcanoes. Shira is the oldest and the crater has filled in to become a large plateau. Then Mawenzi in the East is the second oldest, and second largest, and out of our view for now. Kibo is the youngest and is the towering ridge of the mountain which dominates and provides the highest point of Uhuru peak. Although you're on Kilimanjaro, because you're walking towards Kibo Peak in the distance, it gives you the feeling of not yet actually being on the mountain - but you really are!

Day 6: Tuesday 21st January - Kilimanjaro Day 3: Shira 1 Camp to Shira 2 Camp

Shira 1 Camp - 3,610 m Shira 2 Camp - 3,850 m 10 km hike - approximately 4 hours (they lied!)

Today you hike across the Shira Plateau and past the stunning Shira Ridge - it seems a long hike to Shira 2 Camp, but you will get there by lunchtime. After lunch, you get the opportunity to rest and then there is an acclimatisation hike, where you ascend to a beautiful spot and then descend again. One of the methods to combat altitude sickness is to hike high and sleep low - so that's what this afternoon is about.

Day 7: Wednesday 22nd January - Kilimanjaro Day 4: Shira 2 to Barranco Camp

Shira 2 Camp - 3,850 m Lava Tower - 4,600 m Barranco Camp - 3,900 m

10 km hike - approximately 6 hours (they lied again!!)

This is a challenging, but very interesting and rewarding day. The morning hike crosses from the moorland zone into the alpine desert zone to Lava Tower Camp at 5,600m where you will have lunch. As the name implies, Lava Tower is a massive tower of lava sticking up and dominating the landscape. The landscape now begins to resemble something from another planet - barren and rocky.

After lunch, there is a steep descent down to Barranco Camp, where you will get to see the famous Barranco Wall that will be tomorrow's objective.

Day 8: Thursday 23rd January - Kilimanjaro Day 5: Barranco Camp to Karranga Camp

Barranco Camp - 3,900 m Karanga Camp - 3,995 m

6 km hike - approximately 4 hours (they lied again!!)

Today you begin with the climb up the Barranco Wall - a 300m rock face that is the most technical part of the whole expedition. You will clamber and scramble up and over huge rocks and boulders and experience the "Kissing Stone", where the path is so narrow, you have to cling to the rock so closely that you have to "kiss" it! Take a look at the video on the right. But don't worry - none of this is as scary as it sounds or looks. Many videos on YouTube have been taken from such an angle that make it look a lot worse than it is. I promise you, this is the most fun you will have on the mountain.

After a rest and refreshments at the top of the Barranco Wall, you will descend again and follow an undulating path to Karranga Camp. You're now skirting around the South of Kibo Peak and you begin to get a sense of actually being 'on' the mountain, rather than walking towards it.

You will get to Karranga Camp for lunch and then the afternoon is yours to rest, recover, reflect and get your kit organised. As you're now at higher altitudes, it's a lot colder, so it's time to get the layers on!

Day 9: Friday 24th January - Kilimanjaro Day 6: Karranga Camp to Barafu Camp & Summit Night Begins

Karanga Camp - 3,995 m Barafu Camp (Base Camp) 4,673 m

4 km hike - approximately 4 hours

Kibo Peak is now getting closer and closer as you hike around to the Eastern Side where you will see Mawenzi Peak (pictured). The landscape is barren and rocky and undulating but there are no really steep parts today, with the exception of the final climb up to base camp. You will get to camp mid morning and then rest and get your kit ready - as tonight you will begin your push to the summit!

i can pretty much guarantee you will begin feeling a combination of excitement and trepidation at the thought of finally getting to this point. After lunch, you will get some sleep, then you will have dinner and the final briefing around 6pm and then get some more sleep, being woken up at around 10pm. You will be given tea and biscuits, then will begin your push to the summit somewhere between 10.30 and midnight, depending on the group and how you're all doing.


Day 10: Saturday 25th January - Kilimanjaro Day 7: Summit Night Continued & Then Descent to Mweka Camp

Barafu Camp 4,673 m Stella Point - 5,756 m Uhuru Peak - 5,895 m

5 km hike - approximately 7 hours (They absolutely lied!!)

You hike through the night in the dark, so make sure you have a good quality head torch and spare batteries. And prepare for the cold. DO NOT underestimate the cold - especially if it's windy. Your water will freeze so it's a good idea to start with warm water, wrapped up and protected in your day pack.

The aim is to get to Stella Point for dawn - depending on what time you set out and your pace. The final push to Stella Point is steep and challenging - but you CAN do it! Once the sky begins to get lighter, you know you're not too far away (some even get there while it's still dark!)

Stella Point is at the top of the crater rim and qualifies you for having summitted, even if you choose not to go any further. If you stop here, you WILL receive a certificate stating that you've reached the summit of Kilimanjaro.

However, most people choose to continue to Uhuru Peak, which is the highest point on the summit. Your certificate will reflect which point you get to. The feeling once you get there is incredible - you're standing on the Roof of Africa. At the top of the highest mountain in Africa and one of the 7 Summits. You're now in the Arctic zone and will see glaciers and, in February, there is likely to be snow and ice on the ground.

After taking all the obligatory photos, you will begin your descent. First - back down to Barafu Camp, where you will have a short rest and lunch - and then you will continue back down through the alpine desert and moorland - right back into the rainforest and to Mweka Camp. (It's possible you might stop at Millenium Camp or High Camp, as it's know by, if you don't have the legs to get you all the way to Mweka)

Then - it's time for dinner and then a well-deserved sleep!

Day 11: Sunday 26th January - Kilimanjaro Day 8: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

Mweka Camp - 3,100 m Mweka Gate - 1,640 m 10 km approx 4 hours

After breakfast, you will have a closing ceremony where you will thank your guides and porters and give them your tips. I promise that they will look after you so well, that you will want to tip them more than you thought before starting your journey! This will be the last time you see your porters.

Then you hike the last part to Mweka Gate and then, suddenly, it's all over!

After stopping for the paperwork at the gate, you will take a short ride to a visitor centre, where you will have lunch - get the opportunity to use 'proper' facilities and visit the shop to buy souvenirs. Finally, you will be taken back to your hotel where you will enjoy your first hot shower since you left! There will also be a de-brief meeting.

Day 12: Monday 27th January - Chemka Hot Springs

At some point today, there will be a session where you reflect on the expedition and the lessons that you've got from it. I guarantee you will not be the same person that you were when you first arrived.

The key is to transfer these lessons back to the 'real world' back home. How can you use what you've learned to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

What will your next mountain be (literal or metaphorical)?

It's also time for a trip to Chemka Hot Springs - a beautiful oasis where you can relax in the volcanic waters and even enjoy a fish massage!

Day 13: Tuesday 28th January - Safari in Tarangire National Park

Today is the day to get your best cameras ready as we're heading on safari!

Tarangire is home to the BIG FIVE: Elephants, Buffalo, Lions, Leopards and Black Rhino as well as a whole host of other animals. There are also giraffes, zebra, wildebeest, impala, hyenas, cheetahs and many, many more.

While sightings are never guaranteed, your guides will do everything possible for you to see as many different species as possible. They are in constant contact with other guides so keep each other informed where the animals are to be found that day.

The evening will be all about celebration as we share a triumphant dinner and also bring in the Chinese New Year!

Day 14: Wednesday 29th January - Departure Day

It's time to say farewell and adieu to your fellow travellers and to Tanzania, although you will connect over zoom after you get home. I guarantee you will leave a part of your heart behind forever in this beautiful country. You will be transferred to Kilimanjaro airport a different person to the one which arrived. If you have the time, I highly recommend a trip to the beautiful paradise island of Zanzibar - contact me for information.


28th January - 10th February 2024

This route and itinerary has been chosen to give you the highest possible chance of a successful summit

Day 1: Sunday 28th January 2024 - Arrival in Africa and your first glimpse of the Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro

You will arrange your flight to land at Kilimanjaro National Airport (JRO) and you will be met at the airport and transferred to your hotel.

There will be a welcome meeting at 6pm at the hotel to introduce the team, set your intentions and objectives and then the evening is then yours to enjoy.

Day 2: Monday 29th January - Materuni Coffee Tour & Waterfall Hike

After enjoying a typical Tanzanian breakfast, we will head to the village of Materuni, home of the Chagga tribe, in the foothills of Mt Kilimanjaro.

There, we will visit a local coffee plantation, where the beans are grown, harvested, prepared and roasted by hand. There is a wonderful demonstration of this process, followed by a tasting of the most delicious coffee on the planet.

You will also see banana trees and learn how they use the whole of the banana plant - the leaves are used for roofing and fencing and the fruit is also used to make wine and beer.

We will hike to the stunning Materuni waterfall which is about a 45 minute walk while we learn about the Chagga tribe and the local area. During this hike, you will reflect on your core values, what's important for you and your business. Before dinner, there will be a session to explore your goals in more detail.

Day 3: Tuesday 30th January - Maasai Village

After ensuring that you have everything you need for the mountain, you will store any luggage you don't need for the climb at the hotel and we drive to the Maasai village where you will get to meet and learn about the warriors and how they live. They will welcome you with a warrior dance and you will witness their famous jumping.

You will be given a tour of their village, see their school and huts and they will give you a demonstration of how they hunt, light fires and cook.

This evening will be spent near the Maasai Village and you will get into the right frame of mind to conquer the mountain - and conquer your future goals.

Day 4: Wednesday 31st January -

Kilimanjaro Day 1: Gate to Mti Mkubwa

Lemosho Gate - 2,100m Mti Mkubwa Camp - 2650m 7 km hike - approximately 4 hours

Today you will begin your climb! After registration, the route starts through the stunning Lemosho glades - lush, green rainforest where you're likely to see the famous black and white Colobus monkeys.

This is a pretty easy day - the path is good and, while there are some steep climbs, the pace is very, very slow.

The first camp is at Mti Mkubwa where you will enjoy a full dinner in the mess tent.

Day 5: Thursday 1st February - Kilimanjaro Day 2: Mti Mkubwa to Shira 1 Camp

Mti Mkubwa Camp - 2650m Shira 1 Camp - 3,610 m 7 km hike - approximately 4 hours

This is a stunning hike through the incredible rainforest. It is very steep to the lunch point and then becomes easier after lunch. As you climb, you begin to see stunning views of the towns below and then you leave the rainforest and enter the moorland zone, where you will get to see Kibo peak ahead of you.

Shira 1 camp is in the middle of the Shira plateau, which is the oldest volcano on Kilimanjaro. Kili is made up of 3 volcanoes. Shira is the oldest and the crater has filled in to become a large plateau. Then Mawenzi in the East is the second oldest, and second largest, and out of our view for now. Kibo is the youngest and is the towering ridge of the mountain which dominates and provides the highest point of Uhuru peak. Although you're on Kilimanjaro, because you're walking towards Kibo Peak in the distance, it gives you the feeling of not yet actually being on the mountain - but you really are!

Day 6: Friday 2nd February -

Kilimanjaro Day 3: Shira 1 Camp to Shira 2 Camp

Shira 1 Camp - 3,610 m Shira 2 Camp - 3,850 m 10 km hike - approximately 4 hours (they lied!)

Today you hike across the Shira Plateau and past the stunning Shira Ridge - it seems a long hike to Shira 2 Camp, but you will get there by lunchtime. After lunch, you get the opportunity to rest and then there is an acclimatisation hike, where you ascend to a beautiful spot and then descend again. One of the methods to combat altitude sickness is to hike high and sleep low - so that's what this afternoon is about.

Day 7: Saturday 3rd February -

Kilimanjaro Day 4: Shira 2 to Barranco Camp

Shira 2 Camp - 3,850 m Lava Tower - 4,600 m

Barranco Camp - 3,900 m

10 km hike - approximately 6 hours (they lied again!!)

This is a challenging, but very interesting and rewarding day. The morning hike crosses from the moorland zone into the alpine desert zone to Lava Tower Camp at 5,600m where you will have lunch. As the name implies, Lava Tower is a massive tower of lava sticking up and dominating the landscape. The landscape now begins to resemble something from another planet - barren and rocky.

After lunch, there is a steep descent down to Barranco Camp, where you will get to see the famous Barranco Wall that will be tomorrow's objective.

Day 8: Sunday 4th February -

Kilimanjaro Day 5: Barranco Camp to Karranga Camp

Barranco Camp - 3,900 m Karanga Camp - 3,995 m

6 km hike - approximately 4 hours (they lied again!!)

Today you begin with the climb up the Barranco Wall - a 300m rock face that is the most technical part of the whole expedition. You will clamber and scramble up and over huge rocks and boulders and experience the "Kissing Stone", where the path is so narrow, you have to cling to the rock so closely that you have to "kiss" it! Take a look at the video on the right. But don't worry - none of this is as scary as it sounds or looks. Many videos on YouTube have been taken from such an angle that make it look a lot worse than it is. I promise you, this is the most fun you will have on the mountain.

After a rest and refreshments at the top of the Barranco Wall, you will descend again and follow an undulating path to Karranga Camp. You're now skirting around the South of Kibo Peak and you begin to get a sense of actually being 'on' the mountain, rather than walking towards it.

You will get to Karranga Camp for lunch and then the afternoon is yours to rest, recover, reflect and get your kit organised. As you're now at higher altitudes, it's a lot colder, so it's time to get the layers on!

Day 9: Monday 5th February - Kilimanjaro Day 6: Karranga Camp to Barafu Camp & Summit Night Begins

Karanga Camp - 3,995 m Barafu Camp (Base Camp) 4,673 m

4 km hike - approximately 4 hours

Kibo Peak is now getting closer and closer as you hike around to the Eastern Side where you will see Mawenzi Peak (pictured). The landscape is barren and rocky and undulating but there are no really steep parts today, with the exception of the final climb up to base camp. You will get to camp mid morning and then rest and get your kit ready - as tonight you will begin your push to the summit!

i can pretty much guarantee you will begin feeling a combination of excitement and trepidation at the thought of finally getting to this point. After lunch, you will get some sleep, then you will have dinner and the final briefing around 6pm and then get some more sleep, being woken up at around 10pm. You will be given tea and biscuits, then will begin your push to the summit somewhere between 10.30 and midnight, depending on the group and how you're all doing.


Day 10: Tuesday 6th February -

Kilimanjaro Day 7: Summit Night Continued &

Then Descent to Mweka Camp

Barafu Camp 4,673 m Stella Point - 5,756 m Uhuru Peak - 5,895 m

5 km hike - approximately 7 hours (They absolutely lied!!)

You hike through the night in the dark, so make sure you have a good quality head torch and spare batteries. And prepare for the cold. DO NOT underestimate the cold - especially if it's windy. Your water will freeze so it's a good idea to start with warm water, wrapped up and protected in your day pack.

The aim is to get to Stella Point for dawn - depending on what time you set out and your pace. The final push to Stella Point is steep and challenging - but you CAN do it! Once the sky begins to get lighter, you know you're not too far away (some even get there while it's still dark!)

Stella Point is at the top of the crater rim and qualifies you for having summitted, even if you choose not to go any further. If you stop here, you WILL receive a certificate stating that you've reached the summit of Kilimanjaro.

However, most people choose to continue to Uhuru Peak, which is the highest point on the summit. Your certificate will reflect which point you get to. The feeling once you get there is incredible - you're standing on the Roof of Africa. At the top of the highest mountain in Africa and one of the 7 Summits. You're now in the Arctic zone and will see glaciers and, in February, there is likely to be snow and ice on the ground.

After taking all the obligatory photos, you will begin your descent. First - back down to Barafu Camp, where you will have a short rest and lunch - and then you will continue back down through the alpine desert and moorland - right back into the rainforest and to Mweka Camp. (It's possible you might stop at Millenium Camp or High Camp, as it's know by, if you don't have the legs to get you all the way to Mweka)

Then - it's time for dinner and then a well-deserved sleep!

Day 11: Wednesday 7th February -

Kilimanjaro Day 8: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

Mweka Camp - 3,100 m Mweka Gate - 1,640 m 10 km approx 4 hours

After breakfast, you will have a closing ceremony where you will thank your guides and porters and give them your tips. I promise that they will look after you so well, that you will want to tip them more than you thought before starting your journey! This will be the last time you see your porters.

Then you hike the last part to Mweka Gate and then, suddenly, it's all over!

After stopping for the paperwork at the gate, you will take a short ride to a visitor centre, where you will have lunch - get the opportunity to use 'proper' facilities and visit the shop to buy souvenirs. Finally, you will be taken back to your hotel where you will enjoy your first hot shower since you left! There will also be a de-brief meeting.

Day 12: Thursday 8th February - Chemka Hot Springs

At some point today, there will be a session where you reflect on the expedition and the lessons that you've got from it. I guarantee you will not be the same person that you were when you first arrived.

The key is to transfer these lessons back to the 'real world' back home. How can you use what you've learned to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

What will your next mountain be (literal or metaphorical)?

It's also time for a trip to Chemka Hot Springs - a beautiful oasis where you can relax in the volcanic waters and even enjoy a fish massage!

Day 13: Friday 9th February - Safari in Tarangire National Park

Today is the day to get your best cameras ready as we're heading on safari!

Tarangire is home to the BIG FIVE: Elephants, Buffalo, Lions, Leopards and Black Rhino as well as a whole host of other animals. There are also giraffes, zebra, wildebeest, impala, hyenas, cheetahs and many, many more.

While sightings are never guaranteed, your guides will do everything possible for you to see as many different species as possible. They are in constant contact with other guides so keep each other informed where the animals are to be found that day.

The evening will be all about celebration as we share a triumphant dinner and also bring in the Chinese New Year!

Day 14: Saturday 10th February - Departure Day

It's time to say farewell and adieu to your fellow travellers and to Tanzania, although you will connect over zoom after you get home. I guarantee you will leave a part of your heart behind forever in this beautiful country. You will be transferred to Kilimanjaro airport a different person to the one which arrived. If you have the time, I highly recommend a trip to the beautiful paradise island of Zanzibar - contact me for information.

Tina Sibley

Your Guide to Name & Conquer Your Mountains